Monday, August 31, 2009


Never has there been a time that I've been more painfully aware of various truths. What is today may not be tomorrow. Forever is only as long as you can stand it. Hope can be rather fleeting. Visions disappear with daylight. Want is only for what you don't have, if you have it, you don't want it. When you're wanted you're loved, when you're had you're taken advantage of. The quietest time of the day is when there is the most noise. You can be alone when surrounded by people, in fact more people can make you more lonely. People will always forget what you want them to remember and remember what you want them to forget. Tomorrow is in fact not a clean slate.

Of all these disappointing truths, the one that stands clear, the one that opens the door to life, the one that overcomes all the disappointment is simple, God is. God is today and tomorrow. God is FOREVER. God is hope. God is sight. God wants you when you're gone and wants you more when you're close. God always surrounds you even when you feel completely alone. God forgets what isn't important and remembers what is. God is a clean slate. God is.

People will ALWAYS try to steal what is, even those with the best intentions will lead you to forget what IS and look at what seems. Plain and simple, I must never forget, GOD IS...