Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Sight of Sound

Have you ever been doing something you always do when you suddenly have an "OMG" moment? A revelation so profoundly simple that you have to kick yourself for not knowing it sooner?

As I headed to church tonight, I was listening to Phil Wickham when I looked down at my water and I saw it; I saw sound.

I didn't see magical music notes or bright streaming colors of sound I simply saw sound. With each beat I watched sound as it rippled across my water. It's not like I've never seen it before, but something struck me as I watched this time.

"That's so lame!" you may be thinking, but I was totally in awe. I realized that I got to see something unseen based on its effect. My whole car was filled with sound but only my water was free to be impacted by it. My seats stood dormant, the windows made no motion, but the water was willing to take the smallest sound and send ripples throughout the whole bottle.

Oh to be like the water. Oh to be so influenced by God. Oh to be free enough to be "rippled". To have God touch my life in such a way that it spreads outwards to everyone around me like the sound rippled through my water.

God, may I be moved by you like my water was moved by sound. Thank you, God, for blessing me tonight with the sight of sound!
